Commitments and certificates
We are committed to observing and having respect to select national and international agreements and guidelines. These support and guide the realisation of our corporate responsibility.
UN Global Compact
A social responsibility initiative under the UN, based on ten principles that cover human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Read more
Learn more on Olvi Group’s United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress 2021 -report.
UN Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030
Olvi’s sustainability goals are in line with many of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The most essential of these goals at Olvi are:
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
– We promote the responsible and moderate use of our products
– We maintain a diverse range of products
– We invest in the development and manufacture of healthy and natural products, and in smaller product packaging
Goal 4: Quality Education
– We encourage training for working life and competence development in line with the development of working life
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
– We promote the sustainable use of clean water
– We seek to minimise wastewater and improve its quality
– We recycle material fractions for reuse
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
– We improve our resource efficiency and reduce our consumption of electricity and energy
– We increase the share of renewable energy
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economical Growth
– We maintain a fair, equal and safe workplace
– We pay our taxes and other payments in accordance with the local legislation in each of our countries of operation
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
– We reduce our environmental footprint and improve our resource efficiency
– We maximise materials recycling and the reuse of by-products
– We minimise the use of packaging materials. Our operations are guided by the principles of the circular economy
Goal 13: Climate Action
– We develop our emissions reporting to identify the emissions generated by our operations
– We focus on identifying the climate impacts of our operations in more detail
– We develop our operations based on results
Goal 17: Patnerships for the Goals
– We develop and increase partnerships with our various stakeholders to create a more extensive impact in promoting sustainable development
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a non-profit organisation aimed at collecting company-specific data on fighting climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change. Read more
The Olvi Group has become a member of the international Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and is committed to setting ambitious, science-based emission reduction targets. The goals limit global warming to 1.5 °C in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement. This ensures that Olvi’s long-standing environmental work is sufficiently effective in terms of the climate. Read more
Olvi is part of Motiva’s Energy Efficiency Agreements. Read more
The International Labour Organization (ILO)
The International Labour Organization (ILO) creates international general agreements for labour, and monitors and supports compliance with these among its member countries. Read more

National associations of the brewing and soft drinks industry
Guidelines for responsible marketing and sustainable development. Read more
Certificates granted to Olvi
Certificates granted to Olvi under the quality (ISO 9001), environmental (ISO 14001), occupational health and safety (ISO 45001) and product safety (IFS Food 7) management systems. In addition, the Lehtimäki spring water plant has a separate product safety certification (ISO 22000):
- ISO_9001_fi
- ISO_9001_eng
- ISO_9001_sv
- ISO_14001_fi
- ISO_14001_eng
- ISO_14001_sv
- ISO_45001_fi
- ISO_45001_eng
- ISO_45001_sv
- IFS_Food 7
- ISO 22000 fi
- ISO 22000 en
- ISO 22000 sv:
- ISO22000_fi_2022_Lehtimäki
- ISO22000_eng_2022_Lehtimäki
- ISO22000_sv_2022_Lehtimäki